GEOMAR Conference & Event Management

Presenter guidelines

Oral Presentations

Both event locations (Acanto & Cavallo) will be equipped with projectors, presentation laptops, microphones and laser pointers. It will not be possible to use a personal laptop, therefore please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive. Presenters are asked to upload their files preferable the day before their presentatoins in the mornings well before the start of the events or during the lunch and coffee breaks. Technical assistence will be available.

Your presentation should be in PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF format in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Our laptop computers will be equipped with standard software such as the Office package. We ask all presenters to check the functionality of their presentation well in advance, especially when using media files or uncommon fonts.

Specific information for presentations at the CDRmare or CDRterra General Assembly can be found on the individual subpages of these events.


Poster Presentations

Information will follow.