GEOMAR Conference & Event Management

8.–9. Juni 2023
GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

The NFDI4Earth Academy – Your training network to bridge Earth System and Data Science

08.06.2023, 14:45
8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East (GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore)

8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East

GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore

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Presentation Talks


Frau Effi-Laura Drews (Forschungszentrum Jülich; Geoverbund ABC/J)


The NFDI4Earth Academy is a network of early career – doctoral and postdoctoral - scientists interested in bridging Earth System and Data Sciences beyond institutional borders. The research networks Geo.X, Geoverbund ABC/J, and DAM offer an open science and learning environment covering specialized training courses and collaborations within the NFDI4Earth consortium with access to all NFDI4Earth innovations and services. Academy fellows advance their research projects by exploring and integrating new methods and connecting with like-minded scientists in an agile, bottom-up, and peer-mentored community. We support young scientists in developing skills and mindset for open and data-driven science across disciplinary boundaries.
The first cohort of fellows has successfully completed their first six months within the Academy and is looking forward to a number of exciting events this year, such as a Summer School, a Hackathon and a Think Tank event. Furthermore, this autumn the second call for fellows will be released.


Frau Effi-Laura Drews (Forschungszentrum Jülich; Geoverbund ABC/J) Dr. Jonas Kuppler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ) Kristin Sauerland (MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; GFBio e.V.)


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