11:30 AM
Out of sight out of mind: How relevant are submerged volcanic flanks to the assessment of tsunami hazard from catastrophic collapse?
Emma Hadré
(University of Bremen)
11:45 AM
The Influence of the Volcano Geometry and the Rock Mechanical Properties on the Edifice Stability of Oceanic Volcanoes: A Case-Study of Anak-Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia)
Fiene Matthies
(GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel)
12:00 PM
Hidden threats from volcanic seamounts in Southeast Asia. What should we be prepared for and where?
Andrea Verolino
(Earth Observatory of Singapore)
12:15 PM
Are eruptions reliable precursors to marine volcano collapses?
Séverine Furst
12:30 PM
Volcanic Island Sector Collapse: Reconstruction of volcanic activity and implications for subsequent mass movements from marine records drilled with MeBo70 offshore Montserrat (Lesser Antilles)
Kristina Sass
(MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany)