The MareHub is a cooperation to bundle the data infrastructure activities of the marine Helmholtz centers AWI, GEOMAR and Hereon as a contribution to the German Marine Research Alliance and its complementary project “Underway”-Data.
The MareHub is part of the DataHub, a common initiative of all centers of the Helmholtz Association in the research field Earth and Environment. The overarching goal is to build a sustainable distributed data and information infrastructure for Earth System Sciences.
Common topics of the MareHub include the provision of standardized interfaces and SOPs, as well as solutions for the long-term storage and dissemination of marine observations, model data, and data products. Besides providing central and easy findability and accessibility of marine research data in the portal marine-data.de, the MareHub works on the aggregability and visualization of specific as well as standardized and curated data collections. Visualisation takes place in the form of thematic data viewers with content from oceanographic and seabed observation variables, video and image data, hydro acoustic data, bathymetric seabed maps, remote sensing data and sample data. These thematic viewers are developed on a sustainable generic or project basis.
In this context, standardized machine-readable data services and web map services will be established to enable the dissemination of marine data in international networks and to support advanced data science in the scientific community.