GEOMAR Conference & Event Management

8.–9. Juni 2023
GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

This 8th Data Science Symposium is part of a series of symposia organized by AWI, GEOMAR and Hereon that was established in 2017. We invite you to join us for talks, demonstrations and lively discussions on the overarching topics of data, infrastructures, initiatives, and data science in the earth sciences.

At the DSS8, we'd like to specifically address the topics data aggregation across domains and scales and collaborative data science and workflows. We plan for an on-site meeting.

Registration and abstract submission are now open (see links below). For abstract submission you need to login in with your institute account (Click on "Single Sign-on / Shibboleth")

GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore
8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East
Zur Karte