GEOMAR Conference & Event Management

14. Januar 2025
GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

The now well established G3 meeting of Chief Executives from Ifremer, NOC and GEOMAR will take place in Kiel on the 14th January 2025, who will meet to discuss high level objectives and ambitions for their respective organizations. To compliment this particular G3 meeting a (mini) science symposium will take place.

Scientific delegations from Ifremer, NOC and GEOMAR will bring forward a collective discussion in a one-day meeting with the main objective of harvesting the G3 network for tangible outcomes in supporting the implementation and development of All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) projects, with a particular focus on the following areas of cooperation: (i) sustained ocean observations; (ii) sensor technologies and innovations; and (iii) research vessels and other relevant research infrastructures

The discussions will cover how these three areas are brought forward via the national/international initiatives led by France, UK and Germany: FrOOS - French Ocean Observing System; AtlantIS - UK research program on observational time-series in the Atlantic Ocean; and FUTURO – German led observational campaign in the tropical North Atlantic upwelling system.

A detailed agenda and list of participants have been developed, involving senior thematic science leaders to facilitate holistic discussions and enable agreement on developing potential outcomes, such as a future AAORIA project proposal or theme.

GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore
5-1.213 - Rechte Seite - Großer, unterteilbarer Konferenzraum
Zur Karte