GEOMAR Conference & Event Management

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

From Zeppelin to penguins - high-resolution measurements of submesoscale processes

5-1.214 - Linke Seite – Großer, unterteilbarer Konferenzraum (GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore)

5-1.214 - Linke Seite – Großer, unterteilbarer Konferenzraum

GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore

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Speaker: Prof. Dr. Burkard Baschek, Director of the german maritime museum Stralsund, Germany

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Submesoscale fronts, filaments and eddies play an important role in energy transfer, coastal processes and for phytoplankton blooms. Their small spatial and temporal scales pose a significant challenge for their observations. While submesoscale features are typically 10 m to 10 km in size, their life time is less than 24 hours.
In order to observe submesoscale processes with adequate temporal and spatial resolution simultaneously, a multi-platform observational approach has been implemented and instruments for targeted observations have been developed. They range from towed instrument arrays with multiple sensors, a swarm of artificial penguins (AUVs) to a combination of satellites with the several planes and even a zeppelin. In order to react to the quick development of the features with aerial and in situ observations, real-time data exchange and data visualisation are key.
With the combined approach it was possible to carry out first time observations of submesoscale eddies while aerial observations offering a temporal resolution down to 25 cm and 70 Hz. These high resolutions resolve the quick transitions of features and strong currents allowing for an extended interpretation of aerial imagery and the calculation of divergence / convergence patterns, internal wave signatures and mixing processes.