Wähle Zeitzone
Die Zeitzone Ihres Profils:
Speaker: Dr. Nils Brüggemann, MPI Meteorology Hamburg, Germany
Hybrid - Zoom: https://geomar-de.zoom.us/j/84289388604?pwd=dGlpeTBUd1Nxem5Ec3dRYXh4NFpOUT09
One of the key challenges in ocean dynamics is understanding how mesoscale eddy energy is dissipated. In this talk, I will explore the processes involved in eddy energy dissipation within intermediate-resolution ICON model configurations and discuss how these processes may be altered or replaced in higher-resolution configurations. For the latter, ageostrophic submesoscale turbulence and internal wave processes play a fundamental role and I will give an outlook on how these processes might be represented in future model configurations.