Docs@FYORD Workshop
Data Management – Insights into the research data lifecycle
You are within your PhD and work with scientific data. How do you organize and handle your data? Where can you store it? How do you publish your data? How do you get credit for it? How can you and other scientist benefit from existing data sets? These question are addressed in this workshop on how to be FAIR with your data. FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable are the keywords for your handling of research data. In this interactive workshop we will enlighten the lifecycle of research data, which includes planning, collecting, (processing, analysing) and preserving, publishing, sharing and reusing data. We will pick key-topics and provide you with practical advice and tools towards FAIR data sets. After the registration deadline, you will receive an e-mail with a questionnaire about your experiences with research data management and your expectations of the workshop.