GEOMAR Conference & Event Management

Öffentliche Vorträge / Public Talks

WHIRLS Kick-off MeetingConference (Invitation Only)

by Prof. Arne Biastoch (WHIRLS)

5-1.213 - Rechte Seite - Großer, unterteilbarer Konferenzraum (GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore)

5-1.213 - Rechte Seite - Großer, unterteilbarer Konferenzraum

GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore

Show room on map

WHIRLS Kick-off Meeting 

3rd to 5th June 2024

Dear WHIRLS community

We are please to launch the EU ERC-Synergy Grant project WHIRLS with our Kick-off Meeting in Kiel. This will be the start for our joint interdisciplinary journey to explore the impacts of ocean fine-scale whirls on climate and ecosystems.

The kick-off meeting provides the platform to engage with the internal and external WHIRLS community to ensure fit-for-purpose interdisciplinary research resulting in mutual use and gain of expertise in ocean observing and ocean modelling.

It is particularly important to us to familiarize the early career scientists in WHIRLS with the interdisciplinary approach of the project at an early stage and to create ample synergies.

Registration will be open until 15 May, however, for planning we ask you to register as soon as possible. WHIRLS members (from the funded partners) are expected to participate in person. WHIRLS partners might participate in person (places are restricted) or online for the first 1.5 days.

The draft agenda is available below and will be constantly updated on this site if applicable.

Info about hotel booking is available below.

We are looking very much forward to welcoming you in Kiel.

With kind regards,

Arne Biastoch

On behalf of the WHIRLS team

Arne Biastoch (GEOMAR, Kiel)    

Sabrina Speich (ENS, Paris)                                                            

Sebastiaan Swart (Univ. Gothenburg)                                                     

Sarah Fawcett (Uni. Cape Town)


GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel

Wischhofstr. 1-3

24148 Kiel

Building 5 (New extension building, marked with a red star on the overview map below)

conference room 1st floor


times given are Central European Summer Time (CEST)

1st online meeting link (webex) for Monday and Tuesday morning:, Meeting-Kennnummer:
2781 769 4638, Meeting-Passwort:

2nd online meeting link (webex) for Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning (for internals):, Meeting-Kennnummer:
2785 800 6339, Meeting-Passwort:

Sunday, 2nd June WHIRLS Ice-Breaker 

1900                              at Restaurant BOOTSHAUS 1862, Düsternbrooker Weg 16, 24105 Kiel

Monday, 3rd June WHIRLS overview & implementation - hybrid meeting with external guests

0900 - 0930                   Registration & Coffee

0930 - 1000                   Welcome to WHIRLS  

1000 - 1030                   Overview of WP1 Fine-scale processes impact the large-scale circulation, heat & salt transport and water masses

1030 - 1100                   Overview of WP2 Climate-critical air-sea fluxes of heat & carbon and their modulation by the ocean fine-scale 

1100 - 1130                   Overview of WP3 Fine-scale processes shape the biogeochemical environment and the marine biome

1130 - 1200                   Overview of WP4 Future ocean & climate models need to implement fine-scale processes for improved predictions and                                                    projections

1200 - 1330                    LUNCH   

1330 - 1530                    Observational campaign 2026

1530 - 1600                    Coffee break

1600 - 1800                    Modelling strategies

1800                               Network Dinner at GEOMAR

Tuesday, 4th June Implementing WHIRLS and governance issues - hybrid meeting with external guests (until lunch)

0900 - 1200                    continuation of the strategy discussions - definition of action items and next steps

1000 - 1030                    integrated Coffee Break

1200 - 1300                    LUNCH and farewell of all WHIRLS guests

1300 - 1400.                      Workplan (draft) and breakthrough planning 

1400 - 1445                    Early Career Support for doctoral researchers and postdocs and capacity development in WHIRLS

1445 - 1530                    update on WHIRLS project management issues and engagement & communication

1530 - 1600                    Coffee Break

1600 - 1730                    Discussion about the Data Management Plan - needs and developments

1730 - 1800                    Final discussion, open questions, next steps

Wednesday, 5th June Operational Management Committee (OMC) and SSC Meeting

0900 - 1000                    Establishing the OMC (Operation Management Committee)

1000 - 1100                    OMC discusses establishment of the committee and next steps towards DMP

1100 - 1130                     Coffee Break

1100 - 1200                     Next steps for the implementation of WHIRLS

1230 - 1330                     LUNCH











Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.



Anja Reitz
Registration for WHIRLS members
Registration of non-WHIRLS members / guests of the project