GEOMAR Mentoring Day 2022

8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East (GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore)

8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East

GEOMAR - Standort Ostufer / GEOMAR - East Shore

Wischhofstr. 1-3 24148 Kiel
Raum auf der Karte anzeigen
Christel Bogaard van den (GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel)


Dear Docs and Postdocs,

We are happy to announce the GEOMAR Mentor Day on the 16th of September as a follow-up to Science Day (15.09.) for all interested doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.
We are planning the 
kick-off for the new BUDDY Program at GEOMAR - a mentor/ mentee experience with workshops, discussion rounds, and networking opportunities.

Postdocs and Associated Researchers mentor their younger colleagues and contribute to their development while broadening their skills and boosting their careers through this experience.

course for mentees and a course for mentors will clarify individual expectations. Here we call for course registration (to organize either the Hörsaal or the Seminar room at the Eastshore to hold the classes). This is an in-person event. The trainer will be connected online.

The next steps in the Buddy Program you find attached,  the detailed agenda for the day is below.

To help us with the organization and planning, please register for this event as soon as possible, the latest by Thursday, September 08, 2022.
(please do not use Gmail addresses to register)

For questions and feedback, you can contact, or

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!

DokTeam, Postdoc Team and PACT

GEOMAR Mentoring Day Registration