Career Day Workshop: Assessment Centre Training
Date: April 27, 2023, 2 - 5 PM
Place: online via zoom
Target group: Postdocs participating in the Career Day "Transition Possible"
Language: English
Participants: 12 or 24
Trainer: Emma Ford and Dr. Steve Hutchison, C4C Ltd.
Assessment Centres: What are they?
Assessment Centres are often the final part of a selection process and to get there you will have beaten much of the competition to reach this stage. Your written application and your performance at earlier tests and interviews have convinced the employer that you have the potential to succeed in their organisation. You are now being offered the chance to demonstrate your skills at first hand in order to get that job offer.
Why are they used?
Assessment centres allow employers to gather evidence about your skills and behaviours by observing you carrying out a range of activities in a structured environment.
What do you need to know?
Our purpose in this workshop is to provide you with an opportunity to gain some insights into the process of assessment centres and why they are used; and in particular to experience the dynamics of assessment centre group activity, as this is often the activity that is unknown and of the most concern to people.
A course participant: "The course was fantastic. Emma and Steve are doing a great job in teaching online courses."